Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well dear family it's been way too long since I've blogged so just want you all to know how very much I love you. I know 2009 was quite a difficult year for many and we certainly weren't excluded, but please know how much we appreciate your great support and care and concern for us. You are all the BEST and life would be so hard without you! I don't think I've written anything since November so let me just review a few "thank you's"from 2009. We loved going to Ryan's and Sam's ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood. Seems impossible that we have 5 Grandson's who hold the Priesthood..How great is that! Seeing Kirsi graduate from High School with so many honors including the Sterling Scholar for Dance and Joseph receive his Eagle were high points for us too! We didn't get to see many football, soccer, basketball or Lacrosse games this year but we loved watching the video clips that the parents saved for us. Several of the boys teams made the playoffs and Nathan's team won the state championship! What an awesome bunch of athletes we are raising! Shelby competing for Jr. Miss was another great experience for Dad and I.. And her Drill Team performances.How proud we were. David's baptism was such a great blessing...especially since his older brother, Joseph performed the ordinance. The beautiful music played by the Seamons String quartet was awesome! We also got to see Nathan in a play...wow quite the actor! We were able to experience Dawson's excitement in winning third place at the Chess Tournament! Though we didn't get to be there we were able to hear the outstanding piano performances that Zach and Jackson prepared for their recitals. Easter on the farm was another fun event with going to church with the Seamons and Erasmus families. Of course the river trip on the 4th was such great fun..,but this year I am getting in a tube...YES I am! were This year we witnessed Joseph turning 16 and getting his Driver's License and Shelby turning 18! Hard to believe! Thanksgiving was so fun. I loved watching the kids all play football and the dinner was fabulous! Thanks to Jamon and Laura for hosting all of us. The Christmas Party in Mink Creek hosted by Jen and Jeff was our Christmas this year. It was so great to have you all make it and again to see all the cousins together is such a great blessing to Dad and I. We loved being at Jen's for Christmas Eve and Jamie's for Christmas Morning...how exciting it was. We visited Beau and Cheryle on Christmas Day and spent Christmas night at Mary's having the kids excitedly showing us all their "loot". I'm so grateful we got to visit each of you because I didn't know I would spend the next two weeks in bed! Another wonderful blessing we have had is seeing our special little grandson, Jacob, achieving so many "firsts". He is accomplishing so many things and we are very grateful. Sweet little Nick and Jonathan are continually delighting us with their hugs and kisses. What in the world do people do without grandchildren? Sure would be an empty life without them.And 2010 promises many more exciting events...Zach receiving his Eagle, Shelby graduating from High School and competing for State Jr. Miss, Kirsi performing at BYU and maybe even a Semester Abroad in China!, Nathan turning 16 and driving! Joseph being name MVP on Preston Soccer And Ryan, Zach, Jackson, Dawson and Nathan having their teams win State and Joseph, Sam, Ben and David's soccer team all being champions!Jonathan and Nick are Number one in our eyes and Jacob will definitely accomplish so many things this year. How exciting! But I also want my four beautiful children to know how much I love you and how much joy and happiness you have brought us through the years! You have become such wonderful people...and we are so proud of each of you and all you have accomplished! But more than anything we love you because of what you are; loving, caring, sharing, serving others, all around good men and women. Thank you for what you are and who you are. We love you all very much. Truly my cup runneth over with Love! Mom


Mary said...

Yes we all have many things to be thankful for - even when times are tough! Great post Mom, thanks for keeping this going!

Opera Diva said...

Thanks Mom, we did have a great year and I'm sure the one ahead will be even better. We love you too!

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